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Everything is Energy ✨ The thoughts you think, the words you speak, the actions you take, the food you eat...


Simply put, Chakras are the energy centers of the body.  The body has seven primary chakras. Each Chakra is connected to certain aspects of your life and certain areas or glands and organs of your body. 


The key is to understand that this energy is constantly changing. Energy flows in and out of these centers all the time and your chakras can either be balanced, unbalanced, overactive, under active or blocked. Depending on which chakra(s) is not in harmony, there are various methods to unblock, align and balance your chakras. 


How do you know if a chakra is inactive or blocked? After getting an understanding of the chakras you might already have an idea in your mind. Feelings that might be present if a chakra is overactive or underactive are listed below.

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Earth Star Chakra (Vasundhara)


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Earth star chakra represents each human being’s bond and connection with the planet Earth.

It is your oldest spiritual home and the closest link to your past lives. Vasundhara, which literally translates to "Daughter of the Earth," is the Sanskrit name of the earth star chakra.

The earth star chakra is believed to be located 12 to 18 inches below the soles of your feet, although some people may feel it to be closer, at around 6-7 inches below their feet.


Element: None


Color: (Not Activated) Black, and when activated, it’s Magenta


Affirmation: “I am grounded and stable.”



  • Blood circulation problem

  • Instability in life

  • Lack of balance in various aspects of life

  • Eating disorder

  • Problems related to leg, knees, hips and ankles

  • Hallucination

  • Ungrounded

  • Constant unknown fear or phobia

  • Lack of spirituality


The Root Chakra (Muladhara)


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Muladhara (“root support”) is located at the base of your spine. It is often depicted as a red four-petaled lotus, and it governs what are considered the four primal urges: food, sleep, sex, and self-preservation, but also money. It is the foundation of your being. Its energetic function is to help us maintain a sense of groundedness and inner stability.


Element: Earth


Color: Red


Affirmation: “I am here.”


Tone: LAM


Fearful, nervous, insecure, not feeling grounded; materialistic or greedy, resisting change


Lacking a sense of being at home or safe anywhere, codependent, unable to get into one’s body, fearful of abandonment

The Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)


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Svadhisthana (“her own abode”) is located at the pelvis by your reproductive organs. It is often depicted as an orange lotus with six petals, and it’s associated with creativity, sensuality, pleasure, fluidity, adaptability, emotions, sexual energy, and the unconscious. The second chakra’s energetic function is to help us regulate our emotions and desires, so as not to be driven by them.


Element: Water


Color: Orange


Affirmation: “I am a creative.”


Tone: VAM


Overemotional, very quick to attach and invest in others, attracted to drama, moody, lacking personal boundaries


Stiff, unemotional, closed off to others, lacking self-esteem or self-worth, possibly in an abusive relationship

The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)


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Manipura (“city of jewels”) is located at the navel center. It is commonly depicted as a downward or upward-facing yellow triangle. This energy center is your personal power, your ego and it’s function is to navigate our lives with strength and determination.


Element: Fire


Color: Yellow


Affirmation: “I am strong”


Tone: RAM


Dominating, aggressive, angry, perfectionistic or overly critical of oneself or others


Passive, indecisive, shy, lacking self-control

 The Heart Chakra (Anahata)


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Anahata (“unstruck”) is located at the heart center. Anahata is typically depicted as a green six-pointed star surrounded by 12 lotus petals. On a spiritual level, it’s said to be the home of the higher “unstruck” or indestructible self. Anahata governs our joy, love (not just romantic love, more importantly self-love), compassion and openness. Energetically, anahata helps us tap into unconditional love.


Element: Air


Color: Green


Affirmation: “I am loving”


Tone: YAM


Loving in a clingy, suffocating way; lacking a sense of self in a relationship; willing to say yes to everything; no sense of boundaries, letting everyone in


Cold, distant, lonely, unable or unwilling to open up to others, grudgeful

The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)


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Vishuddha (“to purify”) is located in your throat. It is often depicted as a blue downward-facing triangle inside a lotus with 16 purple petals. This energy center is associated with speaking one’s truth. Its energetic function is to help us find authentic self-expression and honesty.


Element: Ether or space


Color: Blue


Affirmation: “I am honest.”


Tone: HAM


Overly talkative, unable to listen, highly critical, verbally abusive, condescending


Introverted, shy, having difficulty speaking the truth, unable to express needs

 The Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna)


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Ajna (“command center”) is located between the eyebrows and is.represented by a transparent lotus with two white petals. It is your wisdom center and the seat of the mind, your conscious and unconscious awareness. It is not associated with any element, as this chakra is considered beyond the physical elements. This is the center for intuition, vision, imagination, inner knowing, and self-assurance. The energetic function of ajna chakra is to help us learn to know ourselves on a spiritual level.


No element


Color: Purple


Affirmation:  “I am seeing.”


Tone: OM


Out of touch with reality, lacking good judgment, unable to focus, prone to hallucinations


Rigid in thinking, closed off to new ideas, too reliant on authority, disconnected or distrustful of inner voice, anxious, clinging to the past and fearful of the future

The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)


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Sahasrara (“thousand-petaled lotus”) is located just above the crown of the head. This is the doorway into pure consciousness, it is often depicted as a thousand-petaled lotus with a pinkish aura, and in a similar way to the third eye chakra, nor is this chakra associated with a physical element. This chakra serves as a way of connecting to divine energy and is associated with our highest self. Sahasrara helps us function in a more enlightened way, cultivate self-mastery, and find a sense of connection with all.


No element


Color: White


Affirmation “I am connected”


Tone: MMM


Addicted to spirituality, lack of bodily needs, having difficulty controlling emotions

Not very open to spirituality, unable to set or maintain goals, lacking direction

Soul Star Chakra (Vyapini)


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The Soul Star chakra is the element of the immortal soul. It is the space where our physical body connects to divine love.  It is the point from where Divine love and Spiritual energy enter the body; also known as the Seat of the Soul.


The Soul Star Chakra is all about letting go and allowing Divine light to fill your life. It represents Divine love, spiritual selflessness, spiritual compassion, and Divine unity. It is also connected with the origin of ascension and enlightenment. This Chakra is the point where we connect to our Higher-Self. All the karmic residues are stored in this chakra, which you have stacked up since many life times. These karmic residues create the blockages that withhold you from manifesting your desires in this life time. Due to these karmic residues, you face lots of troubles and hardship in this life.




Color: White


Affirmation 'I transcend'


The Soul chakra being located outside the human body, is not connected to any endocrine gland and therefore the effects of imbalances/blockages are more subtle and a bit difficult to demarcate. For most people, even the idea of connecting to the universal consciousness or divine energy is an alien concept. So the Soul Star chakra is compromised for most people. If you are spiritual and trying to escape the material world, as in feeling out of place, you might have an overactive Soul Star chakra. On the other hand, if you are over-anxious, too cynical and cannot surrender to the Divine plan, you might have an underactive Soul Star chakra.

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