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Grief and Loss

Grief is the response to losing something precious. It could be your loved one’s death, the end of a relationship, or losing your job.

Grief comes with a variety of emotions such as loneliness or sadness. This condition is quite common. But it can also lead to severe mental disorders such as depression, stress, and anxiety.


Losing someone close to you can be a crippling emotional time.  We can be left feeling helpless, lost and low.  Essential oils can help lift your mood; help with sleep; and serenity.

Essential Oils for Overcoming Grief

When using oils to overcome grief and other emotions, inhalation is important. When we inhale essential oils, the molecules go directly to the limbic center of the brain to facilitate release. Apply the blends listed below somewhere on your body where you will be able to inhale the aroma. Many people choose to apply to neck, wrists, head, and even under the nose. Each recipe also guides you to apply the blend over a specific chakra for the given emotion.

For each recipe below, follow these instructions:

Combine all essential oils in a 5 mL roller bottle. Add crystals, if desired. Top off with fractionated coconut oil, leaving enough space to attach the roller. Apply liberally as needed. Alternatively, you can use the oils listed in each blend in your diffuser. When diffusing, aim for a total of 8-12 drops of essential oil at one time.


In the beginning stages of the initial shock of losing a loved one, certain essential oils can help you deal with trauma.

Chakra: Solar Plexus


Guilt is common when overcoming trauma. Often these feelings even come when we start to feel a little better. People feel guilty for moving on as if they have a responsibility to mourn. Overcoming this guilt is essential to truly healing from the trauma.

Chakra: Solar Plexus


Chakra: Root


The Acceptance essential oil blend is great for this phase of your grief recovery.


Chakra: Heart


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