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Bottom of your feet.

This is your direct connection to the Earth that allows your entire energy body to be restored and rejuvenated with pure Divine light direct from Mother Earth.


How To Activate The Earth Star Chakra


The best and most efficient way to stimulate and open the Earth Star chakra is to spend time in nature. Anything from walking or meditating in a park, going for a hike or enjoying some quiet time at the beach would work.

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Black Tourmaline retains no negative energy and transmutes negative energy into positive energy.


Kyanite does not retain negative energy and never needs energy cleansing. It aligns and balances all chakras, often very suddenly. Black Kyanite is excellent for boosting meditation.


Fire agate is a stone of courage, protection, and strength. It promotes and enhances energy, including meditation, ritual, and spiritual healing energies. It also balances masculine (active) and feminine (receptive) energies.

You can also dilute your single essential oil in your favorite carrier oil. I recommend light coconut oil. Use your essential oil in 1-10% dilution, depending upon your skin sensitivity.


For general use as a anointing oil, simply apply 1-3 drops of your diluted oil at the area of your chakra.


For anointing your 9th Earth Star Chakra apply your oil at the ball of both of your feet. This area is the location of an important Chinese meridian point called Bubbling Spring which has to do with strengthening your chi (life force energy) and promotes longevity.


Pure essential oil to try alone or in a blend are sweet and earthy aromas:

Dropper Bottle


Dropper Bottle


Dropper Bottle


Dropper Bottle


Dropper Bottle

Ylang Ylang

Dropper Bottle


Dropper Bottle


Sit or lay down outside in a natural setting (One of the most best places to activate the Earth Star Chakra, is while meditating outdoors in communion with Mother Earth.) You may want to lay down directly on the Earth, be surrounded by water, or relax in a hammock to tune into the energy of the air. Close your eyes and relax.

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