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One of the greatest benefits of essential oils is their wide variety of uses. With so many different
oils that each hold unique benefits and advantages, you can incorporate essential oils into nearly
every area of your daily routine and lifestyle. Essential oils can help with things like relaxation
and sleep, beautifying the skin and hair, creating a soothing massage, repelling insects naturally,
cleansing surfaces around the home—and so on. Because cooking, eating, and drinking are such a
natural part of our everyday lives, it is no surprise that essential oils are also useful in the kitchen.


While some are skeptical about the consumption of essential oils, internal usage of essential
oils has actually been in practice for centuries, and is not a mysterious new fad. People have
successfully and safely consumed essential oils for many years, and the key to safe use is
following proper safety guidelines. Like any substance, essential oils only present risks when
used improperly or in incorrect amounts.


Before adding essential oils to your food, make sure that each oil you
intend to use has been approved for safe consumption and internal use.
The following essential oils are considered safe for internal use:

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Not all essential oils are safe for consumption
While the list above identifies essential oils that are safe to use internally, not all essential oils are approved
for this kind of use. Due to their chemical makeup, some essential oils should never be added to food or used
internally in any amount. Here is a list of the essential oils that are not safe to use internally:

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High quality, well-tested essential oils are safe to consume

As previously mentioned, not all essential oils are created equal. Some essential oil companies add fillers or
substitutions to their essential oils, which lowers the efficacy, potency, and purity of the oil. On the other hand,
some essential oil companies use thorough testing methods to ensure that the oils don’t contain any harmful
substances or contaminants, and that they are as pure and high quality as possible. Just remember, not all
distributors use testing to assure quality. Before you use essential oils in your cooking, it is important to know
how they have been produced. Have the oils been carefully harvested and distilled? Have they been tested
for possible contaminants or harmful substances? If you plan to use essential oils for cooking, it is best to use
high quality, thoroughly tested oils that can provide you with the best results.


Potent oils
It is important to note that some essential oils that have been approved for internal use are still very potent,
and must be altered or modified before internal consumption. The following essential oils are extremely

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Remember, cooking with essential oils takes a little experimentation to perfect, but the possibilities are endless!


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