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Essential Oils

Ways to Use and Apply Essential Oils


There are many ways to use essential oils, but here are some of the more popular methods:


Mixing Essential Oils With Massage Oil


Mix a few drops of essential oil to your massage or abhyanga oil to enhance your immune system, relax your nervous system and get pain relief.


Inhalation Methods


You can inhale directly from your palm, from the bottle or place a few drops onto your pillowcase and inhale as you fall asleep.


Therapeutic Steam Bath


Plug your drain, add a few drops of oil to the floor of your shower and create a therapeutic steam bath.


Body Products


To rejuvenate your skin, buy unscented products and then mix them with essential oils.


Mixing them will:
  • Improve skin tone

  • Increase circulation

  • Slow down the aging process

  • Reduce the visibility of scars, wrinkles,




 A diffuser is a mechanical unit that diffuses essential oils into the air for inhalation. Different machines have different delivery methods.


Here is a rundown of the three most common types of essential oil diffusers:


Nebulizing Diffusers 


This type of diffuser puts out large quantities of essential oils into the air. Usually, a bottle of oil is attached to this unit, and the undiluted oil streams into the air. This diffuser is a good choice if you want to get a high concentration of essential oils into the air. Nebulizing diffusers are one of the best ways to diffuse essential oils. 


There is a downside to this diffuser, however. Since these diffusers are so sturdy and do a good job of saturating the air with oils, they are sometimes noisy and use up oil at a high rate.


Ultrasonic or Humidifying Diffusers- An ultrasonic diffuser has a tank that requires water. It creates an ultrafine mist, so the essential oils are in the air for longer periods of time. Typically, these models are less expensive than nebulizing diffusers.


Evaporative Diffuser

Evaporative diffusers disburse the vapor through a hole on the top of the water in the diffuser has been agitated. 


Even though evaporative diffusers are safe and somewhat quiet, they do have a downside. Namely, when an essential oil begins to evaporate, the lighter components will disappear first, only to be followed by the heavier components later. Therefore, the air in your home will be filled with lighter elements in the beginning and with heavier components later on.

This means you may lose some of the therapeutic properties of the whole oil unless you find one that is also ultrasonic and emits a vibration which will cause the spread of essential oil microparticles into the air like the Willow Forest model from Jade Bloom.


Heat or Candle Diffusers


These models use heat to diffuse oils into the air. Heat diffusers are popular because they are cheap and they are quiet. They look similar to a tart warmer. There is a glass or ceramic container that holds a small candle on the bottom, and you place the oils on the tray on the top.

However, they share the same downside as evaporative diffusers, namely lighter components of essential oils evaporate before the heavier ones. Still, if a noisy diffuser is something that bothers you, and you want a completely silent and very economical unit, then look into this model. 


Carrier Oils


If you are using the oils directly on your skin, you need to mix it with a carrier oil.


What is the purpose of carrier oils?


To dilute the essential oils. For the most part, oils shouldn’t be applied directly to your skin because they can be a little too potent for your skin. Even if you don’t have sensitive skin, you could react to them. Be safe and always use carrier oils.


What are some examples of carrier oils?


Not all oils are suitable as carrier oils. In fact, the carrier oil you choose can be as important as the essential oils you. Just like essential oils each carrier oil has individual characteristics which determine how it's best used.


These are the best over-all carrier oils:


Apricot kernel oil

Avocado oil

Hazelnut oil

Jojoba oil

Rosehip oil

Sweet Almond Oil

Wheatgerm oil

Marula oil

Coconut Oil

Grapeseed Oil


You should not use another form of oil from your kitchen, such as vegetable oil or vegetable shortening, butter, or margarine. You also do not want to use any mineral oil for application on the skin with essential oils.


Tips For Storing Essential Oils


When you start collecting essential oils for you will need to find a good place to put them. When you have just one or two, it is easy to bring them on the counter or in a medicine cabinet. But you should know the proper way to store them so that they can last as long as possible.


Keep the Oils in Their Original Bottles


The glass is made specifically for holding essential oils because they reduce UV light that can cause damage to the essential oils.


Place the Bottles in a Cool, Dry Place


Once you have them in the right cylinder, ensure they are never left out in the sun. If your kitchen or bathroom has a window and the sun can get in, you need to put the bottles in a cupboard where it is dark, cool, and dry.


They can be a danger for children to ingest, so try to choose a cabinet up high or one that is locked where nobody can get to them.


Store Your Carrier Oils in the Fridge


Your carrier oils are similar to other oil that you have for cooking. They need to be kept at room temperature, preferably in a cabinet and not left out on the counter. The correct storage will help prevent them from spoiling.


However, if it gets hot inside your home, the pantry or cupboard is not enough to protect them. In this case, it is better to start them in the refrigerator. If you open a carrier oil bottle and it smells rancid or sour, then it has gone bad and needs to be replaced.

How to Dilute Essential Oils

The rate of dilution of essential oils is measured in percentage form. This basically measures how many drops of essential oil to add in 100 drops of carrier oil. For example, 1% dilution means 1 drop of essential oil in 100 drops of carrier oil.

Here are the agreed-upon guidelines on how to dilute essential oils:

» 0.25% Dilution
0.25% dilution rate means adding 0.25 drops of essential oil to 100 drops of carrier oil. Since you cannot measure 0.25 drops, you can achieve this rate of dilution by adding 1 drop of essential oil to 400 drops or approximately 4 teaspoons of carrier oil.

For children between 3 months to 2 years. Prefer to use hydrosols and herbs. 

» 0.50% Dilution
0.5% dilution rate means adding 0.5 drops of essential oil to 100 drops of carrier oil. Since you cannot measure 0.5 drops, you can achieve this rate of dilution by adding 1 drop of essential oil to 200 drops or approximately 2 teaspoons of carrier oil.

For children between 2 to 6 years; only use if absolutely necessary; use when child is sick; prefer to use hydrosols and herbs. 

» 1% Dilution
1% dilution rate means adding 1 drop of essential oil to 100 drops of carrier oil. This means 1 tsp of carrier oil or 6 drops per ounce of carrier oil.

For children 6 to 15 years, pregnant or lactating women; and those with compromised immune systems. This dilution is also appropriate for facial skin.

» 2% Dilution
2% dilution rate means adding 2 drops of essential oil to 100 drops of carrier oil. This means 12 drops per ounce.

This is the recommended rate of dilution for adults and for whole body applications such as body oils, creams and lotion.

» 3% Dilution
3% dilution rate means adding 3 drops of essential oil to 100 drops of carrier oil. This means 18 drops per ounce.

Only for adults; used during a temporary health issue; can be increased up to 10% depending on the ailment in question, age and oil of the adult.

» 25% Dilution
25% dilution rate means adding 25 drops of essential oil to 100 drops of carrier oil. This means 150 drops (or 1.5 teaspoons) per ounce.

Only for adults; only for a short duration; for health issues such as a severe muscle cramp, severe pain and others.

» 100% Dilution
100% dilution means using the essential oil ‘neat’ or ‘as is’ without any dilution whatsoever.


Here are some examples of carrier oils you can use to dilute essential oils:



Essential oils can also be diluted using emulsifiers, such as milk, honey and yogurt (for ingestion) and aloe vera gel for topical application. 

Pregnancy Precaution

If you are pregnant, ask your doctor before using essential oils. Cinnamon, rosemary, clove and clary sage should be avoided by expectant mothers as they can cause contractions.

A-Z Guide of Essential Oils 

Agarwood (Oud, Aloewood)

Common Uses: Grounding, relaxing, natural perfume, muscle spasms, healthy digestion.

Allspice (Pimento Berry, Jamaica Pepper)

Common Uses: Arthritis, fatigue, muscle cramp, rheumatism, muscle/joint stiffness, chills, congested coughs, bronchitis, stomach cramp, flatulence, indigestion, nausea, depression, nervous exhaustion, neuralgia, tension and stress

Amyris (Torchwood, West Indian Sandalwood)

Common Uses: Coughs, chest congestion, restlessness, stress, tension; a generally relaxing tonic, skincare.

Angelica Root

Common Uses: Coughs, sinus infection, viral infection, rheumatism, arthritis, gout, physical fatigue, stress-related conditions; fortifying and strengthening.

Anise (Aniseed)

Avoid during pregnancy/lactation.

Common Uses: Coughs, bronchitis, catarrh, digestive-linked migraines, and headaches; calms nervous digestive tract conditions (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Anise Star (Star Anise)

Avoid during pregnancy/lactation.

Common Uses: Muscular aches and pains, rheumatism, bronchitis, coughs, colic, cramp, flatulence, indigestion, colds (from The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils by Julia Lawless).

Arborvitae (Western Red Cedar, Western Arborvitae)

Avoid during pregnancy/lactation.

Common Uses: Antibacterial, antifungal, calming, cancer, repellent (from Modern Essentials by Aromatools 8th edition).

Balm Mint Bush

Common Uses: Uplifting, cleansing, skin issues, air purifying, headaches, chest congestion, respiratory health.

Basil (Sweet Basil, Basil Linalool)

Common Uses: Muscular spasm and contraction, rheumatism, digestive problems, nausea, flatulence, menstrual cramp, dysmenorrhea, headache, migraines, tension, stress, physical and mental exhaustion (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Basil Holy (Holy Basil, Tulsi, Basil Tulsi)

Common Uses: Muscular spasm and contraction, respiratory conditions, cystitis, intestinal spasm, parasitic infections, cramp, menstrual cramp, menstrual problems, headache, migraine, mental and physical fatigue (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Basil Lemon (Lemon Basil)

Common Uses: Mental Clarity,  Lift the Spirit, Fight Fatigue


Common Uses: Infections, fevers, indigestion, cystitis, wounds, acne, herpes sores, depression, stress, tension, insomnia, fear, emotional crisis, convalescence; emotional strengthening (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Bergamot Mint

Common Uses: Respiratory support, clearing mucus & congestion, sore muscles, digestion, nausea, motivation, inspiration (from The Heart of Aromatherapy by Andrea Butje).

Birch (Sweet Birch)

Avoid during pregnancy/lactation.

Common Uses: Muscular aches and pains, rheumatism, arthritis, muscular injury, skeletal inflammation, lumbago, neuralgia, circulatory conditions, edema, heavy limbs (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Black Pepper

Common Uses: General aches and pains, stomach cramp, digestive problems, rheumatism, circulatory conditions,  cold limbs, chills, exhaustion, convalescence; general nerve tonic (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Blue Cypress

Avoid during pregnancy/lactation 

Common Uses: Arthritis, asthma, skincare, fragrance fixative (from 375 Essential Oils and Hydrosols by Jeanne Rose)

Blue Tansy (Moroccan Blue Chamomile)

Avoid during pregnancy/lactation 

Common Uses: Helps encourage relaxation, may promote uplifting thoughts, and calms an over-worried mind. Blue Tansy has a thick, ink-like viscosity. The oil has a strong blue color and can potentially stain clothes, porous material, and skin.

Buddha Wood (Desert Rosewood)

Common Uses: Stress, muscle tension, insomnia, bug repellent. Great for meditation and perfumery. Properties: Analgesic, Anti-anxiety, Anti-depressant, Anti-inflammatory, Sedative, Immune System Tonic.

Cajeput (Cajuput, White Tea Tree)

Common Uses: Arthritis, rheumatism, neuralgia, muscular spasm and contractions, sciatica, sore throat, sinusitis, bronchitis, coughs, colds, parasite-induced skin problems, skin infection, head lice, insect bites, fatigue (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Camphor (White Camphor, Camphor Laurel)

Avoid during pregnancy/lactation 

Common Uses: Muscular aches and pains, rheumatism, muscular injury, chesty cough, bronchitis, colds, sinus problems, acne, rashes, parasitic skin infections, contusions, bruises; stimulating, insect repellent (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Caraway (Caraway Seed)

Common Uses: Gastrointestinal conditions, dyspepsia, abdominal spasm, colic, flatulence, intestinal cramp and spasms, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, diverticulitis, gastric ulceration, allergic rhinitis, bronchitis, coughs, nervousness (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).


Common Uses: Indigestion, intestinal cramp, flatulence, dyspepsia, nausea, gastric migraine, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, Crohn's disease, muscular cramp and strains, muscular spasm, bronchial congestion, exhaustion and mental fatigue; strengthening, fortifying (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Carrot Seed

Avoid during pregnancy/lactation 

Common Uses: Detoxifying, arthritis, rheumatism, indigestion, water retention, genitourinary infection, urinary tract infection, eczema, ulcers, psoriasis, acne, pimples (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Cassia (Cinnamon Cassia, Chinese Cinnamon)

Avoid during pregnancy/lactation 

Common Uses: Arthritis, cold a& flu, colic, diarrhea, digestive issues, fever, flatulence, nausea (from Essential oils & Aromatherapy: An Introductory Guide by Sonoma Press).


Common Uses: Diarrhea, stomach cramp, internal gas, congestion, colds, mosquito repellent (from The Complete Aromatherapy & Essential Oils by Nerys Purchon & Lora Cantele).

Cedarwood Atlas

Common Uses: Chest infection, catarrh, congestion, acne, scalp disorders, cellulite, anxiety, stress, tension, physical exhaustion; detoxifying (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Cedarwood Himalayan

Common Uses: Respiratory support, balance oily skin, emotional support, stress.

Cedarwood Texas

Common Uses: Acne, dandruff, eczema, greasy hair, insect repellent, oily skin, psoriasis, arthritis, rheumatism, bronchitis, catarrh, congestion, coughs, sinusitis, cystitis, leucorrhoea, nervous tension, stress-related disorders (from The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils by Julia Lawless).

Cedarwood Virginian

Common Uses: Respiratory infections, decongestant, catarrh, bronchitis, coughs, urinary tract infections, cellulite (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Celery Seed

Common Uses: Varicose veins, heavy legs, congestion, constipation, hemorrhoids, stress-related digestive conditions, nervousness, depression; detoxifying (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Chamomile German (German Chamomile, Blue Chamomile)

Common Uses: Acne, allergies, boils, burns, cuts, chilblains, dermatitis, earache, eczema, hair care, inflammations, insect bites, rashes, sensitive skin, teething pain, toothache, wounds, arthritis, inflamed joints, muscular pain, neuralgia, rheumatism, sprains, dyspepsia, colic, indigestion, nausea, dysmenorrhagia, headache, insomnia, nervous tension, migraine and stress-related complaints (from The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils by Julia Lawless).

Chamomile Roman (Roman Chamomile)

Muscular spasm and contraction, rheumatism, menstrual cramp, rashes, acne, eczema, psoriasis, skin irritations, sunburn, dental and teething problems, insomnia, anxiety, nervousness, depression, stress-related conditions, insect bites and stings (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Cilantro (Coriander Leaf)

Common Uses: Anxiety, cleanser, detoxifier, soothing to the skin, aids digestion, stress relief.

Cinnamon Bark

Common Uses: Airborne bacteria, bacterial infections, bites/stings, breathing, diabetes, diverticulitis, fungal infections, general tonic, stimulates immune system, infection, low libido, mold, pancreas support, physical fatigue, pneumonia, typhoid, vaginal infection, vaginitis, viral infections, warming to body (from Modern Essentials by Aromatools 8th edition).

Cinnamon Leaf

Common Uses: Bacterial and viral infection, parasitic infection, intestinal infection, fungal infection, respiratory infection, fevers, coughs, flu, muscular injury, aches and pains, rheumatism, arthritis, cold limbs, general physical debility, exhaustion, fatigue, tired all the time (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Cistus (Labdanum, Rock Rose)

Common Uses: Viral infection, influenza, bronchial conditions, joint aches and pains, muscular pain, arthritis, cuts, wounds, pimples, acne, scarring, nervousness, tension, stress (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).


Common Uses: Muscular aches and pains, infectious skin conditions, fevers, heat rash, excessive perspiration, fungal infections, fungal foot infections, fatigue, insect bites; insect deterrent (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood

Clary Sage

Common Uses: Menstrual problems, menstrual cramp, endometriosis, premenstrual syndrome, menopausal problems, hot flashes, muscular aches and pains, muscular fatigue, muscular spasm, excessive perspiration, headaches, loss of concentration, memory, insomnia, nervousness, depression, anxiety stress, psychological stress (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).


Common Uses: Helps to reduce insomnia, depression, colds, stress, digestive issues, naturally cleansing.

Clove (Clove Bud)

Common Uses: Pain relief, bacterial infection, fungal infection, viral skin infection, warts, verrucas, toothache, gum disease, muscle pain, rheumatism, flu, bronchitis, tired limbs, nausea, flatulence, stomach cramp, abdominal spasm, parasitic infection, scabies, ringworm (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).


Common Uses: Low mood, nausea, gas, cellulite.


Common Uses: Aphrodisiac, natural perfume, uplifting.

Copaiba (Copaiba Balsam)

Common Uses: Bronchitis, sore throats, tonsillitis, varicose conditions, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, urinary tract infections, cystitis, intestinal cramps and spasms, stomachache, stomach discomfort, Helicobacter pylori, muscular pain, bacterial and inflammatory skin conditions, fungal skin infections, onychomycosis, foot candida nail infections, athlete's foot (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Coriander Seed

Common Uses: Digestive problems, flatulence, dyspepsia, bloating, indigestion, abdominal spasm, abdominal discomfort, irritable bowel syndrome, detoxifying, nervous tension, muscular fatigue, muscular aches and pains, mental fatigue, tired all the time, emotional exhaustion (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).


Common Uses: Accumulation of fluids and toxins, poor circulation, colic, dyspepsia, flatulence/gas, indigestion, spasm, debility, headaches, migraine, nervous exhaustion (from The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils by Julia Lawless).


Common Uses: Varicose veins, fluid retention, hemorrhoids, congestive conditions, heavy and tired legs, edema, rheumatism, menstrual cramp, menopausal fatigue, hot flashes, cellulite, dry coughs, bronchial spam, asthma, respiratory conditions (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).


Common Uses: Bacterial infection, bronchial congestion, coughs, colds, influenza, nervous stomach, indigestion, nausea, menstrual cramp, menopausal symptoms, general debility, anxiety, stress, irritability, tension (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Dill (Dill Weed or Dill Seed)

Avoid during pregnancy/lactation 

Common Uses: Colic, indigestion, dyspepsia, flatulence, gastrointestinal spam, intestinal cramp, gastric spasm, irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulosis, constipation, detoxifying, headaches, nervous stomach, menstrual pain, digestive stimulant, nervousness (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).


Common Uses: Respiratory tract infection, chronic cough, catarrh, stress-related bronchial conditions, muscular fatigue, overworked muscles, infectious skin conditions, wounds, cuts and grazes, tiredness; soothing and calming (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Eucalyptus Dives (Peppermint Eucalyptus)

Common Uses: Respiratory infection, sinusitis, sinus headache, influenza, fever, headache, migraine, rheumatism, arthritis, muscular aches and pains, leg cramp, abdominal cramp. menstrual cramp, neuralgia, inflammatory conditions, candida, cellulite, parasitic infections, head lice, fatigue, exhaustion, acne, pimples (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Eucalyptus Globulus

Common Uses: Respiratory infection, bronchitis, infectious disease, fever, catarrh, sinusitis, muscular aches and pains, rheumatism, arthritis, urinary infection, cystitis, parasitic infection (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood, page 585-586).

Eucalyptus Lemon (Lemon Eucalyptus)

Common Uses: Muscular injury, fungal skin infection, bacterial skin infection, sores, wounds, respiratory tract conditions, asthma, fever, candida, insect bites, insect repellent (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood, page 586).

Eucalyptus Radiata

Common Uses: Respiratory tract infection, bronchitis, catarrh, sinusitis, rhinitis, colds, influenza, fever, asthma, rheumatism, muscular aches and pains, neuralgia, abdominal cramp, menstrual cramp, headaches, mental exhaustion, fatigue, insect stings and bites, general stimulant and tonic (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood, page 587).

Eucalyptus Smithii

Common Uses: Similar to other eucalyptus oils.

Fennel (Sweet Fennel)

Avoid during pregnancy/lactation 

Common Uses: Digestive disorders, colic, dyspepsia, gastrointestinal spasm, flatulence, nausea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, abdominal spasm, menstrual problems, menstrual cramp, premenstrual syndrome, fertility, endometriosis, menopausal symptoms, detoxifying, cellulite, fluid retention, heavy legs, bronchitis, respiratory conditions, parasitic infection (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood, page 588).

Finger Root

Traditionally it is used for the treatment of various illnesses as a tonic for childbirth, preventive remedy for leucorrhea and beauty aid for teenage girls. Rhizomes are used for the treatment of inflammatory diseases. Leaves are used for alleviating poisoning and allergies. It is also used to cure infections. The study shows that the isolated bioactive compounds found in fingerroot helps to treat various diseases. It is used to accelerate the development of stronger drugs to counteract diseases in future.

Fir Balsam (Balsam Fir, Canadian Fir Needle)

Common Uses: Burns, cuts, hemorrhoids, wounds, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, chronic coughs, sore throat, cystitis, genitourinary infections, depression, nervous tension, stress-related conditions (from The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils by Julia Lawless, page 41-42).

Fir Douglas (Douglas Fir)

Common Uses: Respiratory support, muscle spasms, spastic cough, cold, flu, immune support, improves self-esteem, lack of focus, stress and tension.

Fir Needle (Siberian Fir)

Most commonly, fir needle essential oil is used to fight sore throat and respiratory infections, fatigue, muscle aches and arthritis. 

Fir Silver (Silver Fir, Silver Fir Needle, Silver Spruce, White Fir)

Common Uses: Catarrh, sinusitis, bronchitis, bronchial tract discomfort, dry cough, rheumatism, muscular aches and pains, feverishness, anxiety, tension; general tonic (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood, page 588).


Common Uses: Cuts, bites, stings, general skincare, aching muscles and joints, arthritis, rheumatism, asthma, bronchitis, cough, colds, influenza, sinusitis, tonsillitis, thrush, menstrual pain and breast tenderness, vaginitis, anxiety, emotional blockages, grief, insomnia, mood swings, and stress (from The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils by Julia Lawless).

Frankincense Carterii (Olibanum)

Common Uses: Coughs, colds, bronchitis, nervous asthma, skin infection, scars, wounds, urinary tract infections, mental fatigue, depression, nervousness, stress, tension, inability to communicate (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood, page 589).

Frankincense Frereana

Common Uses: A superior aromatherapy treatment; The anti inflammatory effects of the Frankincense Boswellia frereana may reduce joint inflammation caused by osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis; Frankincense Boswellia frereana is a powerful expectorant and is used to treat colds, asthma and bronchitis; Is a strong anti-inflammatory; Good for digestive issues; It can act as a cartilage re-generator.

Frankincense Sacred

Common Uses: Heighten spiritual awareness; Deepen meditation; Support greater immune health; Improves skin care, including reducing the appearance of scars; Supports a healthy digestive system; Supports a healthy respiratory system; Calms and balances the mood; Helps keep bones and muscles healthy; Is an anti-septic; Used to help with inflamed or irritated skin

Galangal Root (Greater Galangal, Siamese Ginger)

Common Uses: Supports healthy digestion, fatigue, joint & muscle stiffness, travel sickness.


Common Uses: Abscesses, acne, boils, cuts, heals scar tissue, inflammations, tones the skin, mature skin, wrinkles, wounds, poor circulation, muscular aches and pains, rheumatism, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, chronic coughs, abdominal cramp, flatulence, indigestion, nervous tension and stress-related complaints (from The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils by Julia Lawless).


Common Uses: Female reproductive disorders, menstrual cramp, infertility, endometriosis, premenstrual syndrome, menopausal symptoms, circulatory disorders, Raynaud's disease, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, neuralgia, nervous skin disorders, depression, fatigue, emotional crisis, stress-related conditions (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).


Common Uses: Arthritis, muscle fatigue, muscular aches and pains, poor circulation, rheumatism, sprains, strains, catarrh, congestion, coughs, sinusitis, sore throat, diarrhea colic, abdominal cramp, flatulence, indigestion, loss of appetite, nausea, travel sickness, debility, nervous exhaustion (from The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils by Julia Lawless).


Common Uses: Respiratory support, swelling, sore muscles and joints, stiff joints, poor circulation, stress, tension (from The Heart of Aromatherapy by Andrea Butje).


Common Uses: Acne, cuts, inflammations of the skin, insect bites, sores, wounds, catarrh, chills, coughs and colds, hay fever, allergies, laryngitis, respiratory congestion, sinus infection, sore throat, flu, liver congestion, hepatitis, fatty liver, urinary tract and bladder condition (from The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils by Julia Lawless).


Common Uses: Acne, congested and oily skin, promotes hair growth, tones the skin and tissues, cellulitis, exercise preparation, muscle fatigue, obesity, stiffness, water retention, chills, colds, flu, depression, headaches, nervous exhaustion, performance stress (from The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils by Julia Lawless).

Helichrysum (Everlasting, Immortelle)

Common Uses: Pain relief, bruising, wounds, contusions, coughs, bronchial congestion, rhinitis, abdominal cramp, muscular spasm, rheumatism, arthritis, carpel tunnel, tendonitis, edema, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, circulatory conditions, ulceration, acne, pimples, eczema, psoriasis (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Hemlock (Spruce Hemlock, Tsuga)

Common Uses: Muscular aches and pains, poor circulation, rheumatism, asthma, bronchitis, coughs, respiratory weakness, colds, flu, infections, anxiety, stress-related conditions (from The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils by Julia Lawless)

Hemp (Cannabis)

Common Uses: Skin conditions, over-exertion, aging, stress, anxiety, pain, sleep, loss of appetite.

Ho Wood

Common Uses: Influenza, colds, chills, bacterial and viral respiratory infection, menstrual cramp, vaginal infection, parasitic skin infection, wounds, cuts, grazes, eczema, acne, stress and stress-related conditions, anxiety, tension (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).


Common Uses: Coughs, colds, influenza, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, bronchial infection, contusions, bruising, wounds, arthritis, rheumatism, muscular aches and pains, digestive problems (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Jasmine Absolute

Common Uses: Infertility, menstrual cramp, abdominal spasm, nervous tension, nervousness, stress-related conditions, lethargy, apathy, fatigue, insecurity, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Juniper (Juniper Berry)

Common Uses: Fluid retention, cystitis, urinary tract infection, abdominal bloating, menstrual cramp, heavy legs, detoxifying, cellulite, obesity, gout, rheumatism, arthritis, acne, ulceration, eczema, mental exhaustion, chronic fatigue, anxiety, tension (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).


Common Uses: 

antimicrobial; anti-inflamitory; helps your body protect itself against viruses; helps dissolve cholesterol;helps you feel invigorated and energized

'improves mood


Common Uses: Respiratory support, mucus, congestion, sinus headaches, colds, flu, sore muscles, repel insects (from The Heart of Aromatherapy by Andrea Butje)

Laurel Leaf (Bay Leaf, Bay Laurel, Sweet Bay)

Common Uses: Influenza, rheumatism, muscular aches and pains, neuralgia, arthritis, circulatory conditions, candida, respiratory and bronchial infections, digestive problems, flatulence, colds, flu, skin rash, spots, sores, dental infections, fungal foot conditions, nervousness, general fatigue (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).


Common Uses: Influenza, rheumatism, muscular aches and pains, neuralgia, arthritis, circulatory conditions, candida, respiratory and bronchial infections, digestive problems, flatulence, colds, flu, skin rash, spots, sores, dental infections, fungal foot conditions, nervousness, general fatigue (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Lavender (True Lavender)

Common Uses: inflammatory conditions, skin infection, wounds, cuts, grazes, rashes, itching, stress-related eczema, nervous psoriasis, sunburn, burns, muscular spasm, muscular contraction, abdominal cramp, headache, migraine, insomnia, nervousness and related conditions, acne, pimples, insect bites, stress, tension, anxiety, tension, panic, insect deterrent (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Lavender (Spike Lavender)

Common Uses: Skin infection, wounds, cuts, grazes, muscular spasm, muscular contraction, abdominal cramp, headache, migraine, acne, pimples, insect bites, insect deterrent (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).


Common Uses: Skin health; Promotes thyroid function;

Enhance immunity; Treatment for cancer;

Prevents urinary tract infection; Lowers inflammation; Calm mind;

Respiratory health;

Digestive health; Relieve headaches


Common Uses: Acne, anemia, brittle nails, boils, chilblains, corns, cuts, greasy skin, herpes, insect bites, mouth ulcers, varicose veins, warts, arthritis, cellulitis, high blood pressure, nosebleeds, poor circulation, rheumatism, asthma, throat infections, bronchitis, catarrh, dyspepsia, colds, flu, fever and infections (from The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils by Julia Lawless)


Caution with pregnancy/lactation

Common Uses: Muscular aches and pains, gastrointestinal disorders, indigestion, colitis, diuretic, detoxifying, cellulite, fever, nonspecific infection, physical and mental exhaustion, acne, pimples, insect bites, insect repellent (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Lemon Myrtle

Caution with pregnancy/lactation

Common Uses: Gaining recognition in the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry is an ingredient used to flavour everything from tea, meat and ice-cream through to its therapeutic benefits in soaps, shampoos and moisturisers, the Australian native plant Lemon Myrtle.

Lemon Tea Tree

Caution with pregnancy/lactation

Common Uses: 

Household Cleaning; Anti-bacterial Applications; Oily Skin; Odors


Common Uses: Digestive problems, loss of appetite, detoxifying, cellulite, throat infection, tonsillitis, sore throat, influenza, lethargy, chronic fatigue, mental exhaustion (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Key Lime

Common Uses: 

Wound Healing and Infections. Because of its excellent antibacterial qualities; Antiviral. Lime essential oil also has effective antiviral abilities which ca; Oral Health. If you are suffering from toothaches or gum disease, I feel for; Digestive Issues. The scent of lime essential oil can stimulate the digestive …


Common Uses: Scars, wounds, muscular aches, abdominal cramp, intestinal spasm, fear-induced anxiety, insomnia, inability to communicate, stress-related tension, depression (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).


Common Uses: Digestive conditions, nervous spasm, intestinal spasm, IBS, stomachache, constipation, cellulite, insomnia, sleep disorders, nervous tension, irritability, stress, convalescence, problem skin (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Manuka (New Zealand Tea Tree)

Common Uses: Acne, abscesses, athlete's foot skin, bedsores, blisters, boils, burns, carbuncles, cold sores, cracked skin, dandruff, dermatitis, eczema, fungal infections, oily skin, pimples, ringworm, sores, sunburn, coughs, colds, flu, congestion, asthma, hay fever, muscular tension, aches and pains, joint stiffness (from The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils by Julia Lawless).

Marjoram (Sweet Marjoram)

Common Uses: Muscle relaxant, muscular spasm, muscular pain, general aches, numbness, bodily stiffness, abdominal pain, menstrual cramp, menstrual problems, menopausal symptoms, contusion, bruises, headache, gastrointestinal disorders, abdominal spasm, indigestion, intestinal spasm, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulosis, insomnia, stress-related conditions, anxiety (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood). 

May Chang (Litsea)

Common Uses: Acne, dermatitis, excessive perspiration, greasy skin, insect repellent, skin spots, flatulence, indigestion.

Melissa (Lemon Balm)

Common Uses: Insomnia, sleep disorders, indigestion, nausea, fungal infections, candida, viral skin infections, herpes, menopausal symptoms, detoxifying, nervousness, stress and anxiety-related symptoms, depression (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood). 

Moldavian Dragonhead

Common Uses: Soothes an upset stomach; Supports the immune system; Protects the body against environmental threats; Uplifts the mind and body; Relieves stress, and helps the body and mind handle stressful situations


Caution with pregnancy/lactation

Common Uses: Athlete's foot, chapped and cracked skin, eczema, mature complexion, ringworm, wounds, wrinkles, arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, cough, mouth ulcers, gingivitis, sore throat, dyspepsia, hemorrhoids, loss of appetite, pruritis (from The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils by Julia Lawless).


Common Uses: Bronchitis, sinus infection, laryngitis, bronchial infection, coughs, colds, cystitis, urinary tract infection, heavy legs, insomnia, skin disorders, psoriasis, acne, pimples, boils, parasitic infection, head lice, mite bites, emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Neroli (Orange Blossom)

Common Uses: Scars, stretch marks, thread veins, mature and sensitive skin, tones the complexion, wrinkles, poor circulation, diarrhea, colic, flatulence, spasm, nervous dyspepsia, anxiety, depression, nervous tension, stress-related conditions (from The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils by Julia Lawless).


Common Uses: Bronchitis, respiratory tract disorders, influenza, sinus congestion, sore throats, coughs, colds, muscular injuries, rashes, pimples, cuts (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Nootka Tree

Therapeutic Properties: Antibacterial, Antidepressant, Anti-inflammatory, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Astringent, Calmative, Insect Deterrent, Sedative.


Common Uses: Gastrointestinal spasms, nausea, upset stomach, rheumatism, arthritis, muscular aches and pains, muscular injury, menstrual cramp, insomnia, restlessness, nervousness, tension (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Opoponax (Sweet Myrrh, Opopanax)

Common Uses: primarily used in perfumes because of its strong and lingering aroma. It also has numerous health benefits. Opoponax includes properties such as anti fungal, anti anxiety, anti- inflammatory, stomachic, etc.

Orange (Blood Orange)

Common Uses: 

or inflammation. Whatever the reason for your inflammation and whether it; Cuts and wounds. Because blood orange essential oil has antiseptic and; Cholagogue. Blood orange essential oil derives a variety of health benefits; For the mind. Blood orange essential oil has a wonderful uplifting aroma

Orange (Sweet Orange, Wild Orange)

Common Uses: Dull and oily complexions, mouth ulcers, water retention, child, constipation, dyspepsia, spasm, colds, nervous tension, stress-related conditions (from The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils by Julia Lawless).


Common Uses: Viral infection, bacterial infection, respiratory infection, muscle pain.


Common Uses: Sinusitis, excess mucus, cystitis, urinary tract infection, bacterial infection, gastrointestinal disorders, scarring, wounds, acne, pimples, boils, fungal infection, general fatigue, muscular aches, overexercised muscles, stress, irritability, restlessness, insect bites and stings (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Palo Santo

Common Uses: 

Apply a few drops of Palo Santo topically to your temples, the nape of your neck, your heart, or the soles of your feet while meditating to ward off negative emotions; Add a few drops of Palo Santo to your favorite lotion and apply before leaving the house to enjoy its woodsy scent throughout your day; In aromatherapy sessions, it is used to treat panic attacks and anxiety; It is also used for osteoporosis because it helps to build the bones, helping them to regenerate and build strength; Applied on your skin, it helps to restore damaged skin and it helps to recuperate soft tendons injuries.


Common Uses: Acne, athlete's foot, cracked and chapped skin, dandruff, dermatitis, eczema, fungal infections, hair care, impetigo, insect repellent, sores, oily hair and skin, open pores, wounds, wrinkles, frigidity, nervous exhaustion, stress-related complaints (from The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils by Julia Lawless).


Common Uses: Alertness, antioxidant, asthma, chronic fatigue, cold sores, congestion, constipation, cooling, cramps, charley horses, fainting, halitosis, headaches, heatstroke, hot flashes, indigestion, ,itching, jet lag, migraines, motion sickness, muscle aches, muscle fatigue, nausea, sinusitis, tennis elbow, varicose veins, vomiting (from Modern Essential Oils Eighth Edition).

Peru Balsam (Balsam Peru)

Common Uses: Skin conditions, rashes, wounds, pruritis, scabies, ringworm, bedsores, cuts, ulcers, hemorrhoids, coughs, bronchitis, head lice, dandruff, coughs, respiratory conditions (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).


Common Uses: Acne, excessive perspiration, greasy skin and hair, toning skin, dyspepsia, flatulence, insomnia, convalescence, nervous exhaustion, and stress-related conditions (from The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils by Julia Lawless).

Pine (Scotch Pine, Scots Pine)

Common Uses: Rheumatism, muscular pain, muscular injury, muscular fatigue, fatigued and heavy legs, gout, bronchial infection, sinus congestion, general debility, fatigue, mental and nervous exhaustion (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Pink Pepper

Therapeutic Properties: Antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antiviral, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, astringent, diuretic, stimulant (digestive), and wound healing.


Common Uses: Acne, cuts, stretch marks, scars, wounds, aches and pains, inflammation, camps


Common Uses: Colds, influenza, bacterial infection, viral infection, shingles, bronchitis, respiratory infections, muscular pain, sinusitis, rhinitis (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Ravintsara (Ho Leaf)

Common Uses: Athletes foot, aching muscles and joints, cough, colds, respiratory ailments, sinusitis (from The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils by Julia Lawless).


Common Uses:

Sore Muscles; Coughs; Congestion; Lungs; Inflammation; Emotional Discomfort; Anxiety; Stress; Heart Chakra

Rosalina (Lavender Tea Tree)

Common Uses: Respiratory support, allergies, sinus congestion, mucus, sore throat, coughs, infections, inflammation (from The Heart of Aromatherapy by Andrea Butje).

Rose (Rose Otto, Bulgarian Rose, Damask Rose)

Common Uses: Female reproductive problems, infertility, menstrual irregularity, dysmenorrhea, menstrual cramp, circulatory conditions, acne, skin dehydration, scarring, premature aging, depression, anxiety, emotional anxiety, nervous tension, stress-related conditions (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood). 

Rose Absolute (Provence Rose, Cabbage Rose)

Common Uses: Broken capillaries, dry skin, eczema, wrinkles, palpitations, poor circulation, asthma, coughs, hay fever, nausea, irregular menstruation, uterine disorders, depression, insomnia, headache, nervous tension, stress-related complaints (from The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils by Julia Lawless).

Rose Geranium

Common Uses: Acne, bruises, broken capillaries, burns, congested skin, cuts, dermatitis, eczema, ringworm, cellulitis, lice, oily complexion, OMS, sore throat, tonsillitis, nervous tension, neuralgia, stress-related conditions, insect repellent (from The Complete Aromatherapy and Essential Oils Sourcebook by Julia Lawless).


Common Uses: Acne, dandruff, dermatitis, eczema, greasy hair, insect repellent, promotes hair growth, regulates seborrhea, scabies, stimulates scalp, lice, varicose veins, fluid retention, gout, muscular pain, palpitations, poor circulation, rheumatism, asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough, colitis, dyspepsia, flatulence, jaundice, dysmenorrhoea, colds, flu, debility, headaches, hypotension, neuralgia, mental fatigue, nervous exhaustion and stress-related disorders (from The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils by Julia Lawless).

Rosewood (Bios de Rose)

Common Uses: Bronchial infections, tonsillitis, coughs, stress headache, convalescence, acne, eczema, psoriasis, scarring, insect bites and stings, nervousness, depression, anxiety, stress-related conditions, tonic (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood).

Sage (Dalmatian Sage, Common Sage)

Common Uses: Acne, cuts, dandruff, dermatitis, eczema, excessive sweating, hair loss, gingivitis, gum infections, skin sores, arthritis, fluid retention, muscular aches and pains, poor circulation, rheumatism, asthma, coughs, laryngitis, jaundice, liver congestion, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, colds, fever, flu, headaches, nervous exhaustion, stress-related conditions (from The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils by Julia Lawless).

Sandalwood Australian

Australian Sandalwood Essential Oil is used across the world for its calming properties. Australian Sandalwood Oil helps in calming anxiousness for inner zen & deeper spirituality. This woody & calming oil relieves stress for greater mental clarity.

Sandalwood East Indian

Common Uses: Coughs, sore throats, urinary infection, cystits, vaginal infections, heavy legs, scarring, insomnia, anxiety, nervous tension, nervous exhaustion, depression (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood).

Sandalwood Hawaiian

Common Uses: 

Promotes brain and cell health; Useful for dry skin, scalp, and hair; Popular for all kinds of skin concerns; Great for sleep, mental health, nervous system support, and more

Saro (Mandravasarotra)

Common Uses: Bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, colds, influenza, sinusitis, muscular pain, muscular injury, cellulite, wounds, abscesses, physical exhaustion (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).

Savory Summer

Common Uses: Bronchial infections, catarrh, influenza, muscular aches and pains, fungal infection, insect bites (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood). 

Savory Winter (Mountain Savory, Winter Savory)

Common Uses: Viral infection, bacterial infection, respiratory infection, bronchitis, fungal infection, muscular aches and pains, skeletal aches and pains, digestive problems, wounds, abscesses (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood). 


Common Uses: Colic, dyspepsia, nausea, flatulence, digestive upset, stomachache, neuralgia, lumbago, muscular ache, nervous migraine, nervous fatigue (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood). 

Spikenard (Nard, Jatamansi)

Common Uses: Insomnia, menstrual problems, muscular spasm, muscular contractions, neuralgia, sciatica, bodily congestion, aging skin, physical tension, stress-related conditions, anxiety, nervous tension, soothing, calming (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood). 

Spruce Black (Black Spruce)

Common Uses: Bronchial infection, catarrh, sinus congestion, arthritis, rheumatism, gout, overexercised muscles, stiff joints, muscular strain, tendonitis, cellulite (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Wormwood).


Common Uses: Stress-induced insomnia, nervous exhaustion, mild muscular spasm, cellulite, digestive problems, detoxifying, flatulence, constipation, bodily congestion, tires all the time, irritability, general dispirited, overly anxious (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood). 


Common Uses: Dyspepsia, flatulence, indigestion, intestinal spasm, gastrointestinal problems, constipation, nausea, muscular cramp, muscular spasm, rheumatism, abdominal congestion and swelling (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood). 

Tea Tree (Melaleuca)

Common Uses: Bacterial skin infection, parasitic skin infection respiratory tract infection, sinusitis, rhinitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, wounds, ulceration, pimples, acne, abscesses, head and body lice, fungal infection, athlete's foot, warts, verrucas (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood). 

Thyme (Thyme Linalool, Thyme Thymol)

Common Uses: Influenza, coughs, colds, bronchitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, laryngitis, sore throat, bronchial chest infection, mucous congestion, viral and bacteria skin infections, circulatory problems, cold limbs, numbness, muscular pain, muscular debility, tendonitis, arthritis, rheumatism, general debility, chronic fatigue, acne, warts, verrucas (plantar warts), lethargy, inability to concentrate (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood). 


Common Uses: Gastrointestinal conditions, indigestion, dyspepsia, stomach cramp, intestinal spasm, general aches and pains, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood). 


Common Uses: Gastrointestinal infections, insomnia, nervousness, stress, tension, tension headache, stress-induced migraine, muscular spasm, cramps, restlessness, inability to relax, restless leg, trembling disorders, pimples, acne, problematic skin (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood). 

Vanilla Absolute (Vanilla Oleoresin)

Common Uses: Stress-induced conditions, nervous anxiety, nervousness, insomnia and restlessness, unexplained painful limbs, nervous stomach, nausea, inability to relax (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood).

Verbena (Honey Verbena, Wild Verbena)

Common Uses: aromatherapy, Reduce anxiety, Reduce fever, Supports digestion, Enhance immunity


Common Uses: Stress-induced conditions, nervous tension, stress-related menstrual problems, muscular spasm, muscular pain, menstrual cramp, premenstrual syndrome, restlessness, workaholism, physical exhaustion, irritability, depression (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood). 

Vitex (Vitex Berry)

Common Uses: Vitex has a long history of use as a remedy for a range of female conditions, such as postpartum hemorrhage and to help with the "passing of afterbirth." The name "chaste tree" comes from the belief in folk medicine that it could suppress libido. Raise your progesterone levels and lower your prolactin levels


Common Uses: Inflammation, pain management, rheumatoid arthritis (from The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy by Salvatore Battaglia).

Yarrow (Blue Yarrow)

Common Uses: Rheumatism, arthritis, inflamed or injured muscles, muscular cramp, menstrual cramp, scarring, acne (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood). 

Ylang Ylang

Common Uses: Hypertension, circulatory conditions, muscular cramp, menstrual cramp, intestinal spasm, insomnia, nervous tension, stress, nervousness, physical exhaustion, chronic fatigue, depression (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood). 


Common Uses: Nervous stomach cramp, cellulite, neuralgia, influenza, colds, convalescence, stress-induced skin conditions, devitalized skin, nervous tension, nervous exhaustion, chronic fatigue; general tonic (from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood). 


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