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Under my Mask

My journey began in 2018, after my 20 year marriage came to an end.  All the things I had learned during my marriage and then after about myself was sad to me.  So I set out to find me; to discover who I am; and, who I want to be.  I hadn't realized how long ago I had lost myself - and I was shocked to discover that I was 5 years old when the downward spiral for me began.


Just as no two people are alike, neither are any two paths.  My goal is to provide the tools each person can use to either start their journey; work through their issues; or simply  self-improve.  As long as you understand that this is about living your truth for the rest of your life, you are on your way.  We aren't trying to "fix" people or make things right.  The past is gone and the future depends on today so live for you today and everyday for your mental, physical and spiritual health.


Where I Began


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We all know each person's path is unique - their own - but when you've come to a point of being completely lost, it's hard to know just where to begin.  I spent months reading, trying different "programs"- "schools of thought".  I began with CODAs 12-step program because I was aware that I was a co-dependent person.  What I realized after completing the 12 step program is it was actually a first step - the step of admitting there's a problem and motivating yourself to take control and responsibility for it.  This isn't about addiction or figuring out why your life is out of control to you - no matter though it's a GREAT way to simply clean house of your mind and soul.  Simply put, it's a way to take inventory of the past and clear a path for the future. 



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The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. The information here is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your primary care provider before acting on any content on this website, especially if you have any medical condition or are taking medication.

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