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Meaning Behind “Lonerwolf”


Playing on the phrase “lone wolf,” lonerwolf is a name that signifies the journey away from the pack, and the quest for truth, freedom, and wholeness.

The lone wolf was chosen as a symbol of strength, braveness, authenticity, and free thought. It represents the path least traveled.

Spiritually, the wolf signifies instinct, compassion, intelligence, courage, and freedom.

Psychologically, the lone wolf signifies what Joseph Campbell famously referred to as “the Hero’s Journey” which is where we leave the known world to voyage into the unknown realm.

This ‘call to adventure’ usually manifests in the form of a life crisis, spiritual awakening, or Dark Night of the Soul that we must carry out alone.​

Lonerwolf Principles


Principles are sacred and powerful guiding codes of behavior. The following principles are the driving force within our own lives and also lonerwolf.

Everything that we write, create, and offer on this website is ruled by one or more of these core principles:


1. Walk your own path

Embrace being different. Honor your inner wolf. Permit yourself to be an outsider. Go the path less traveled. Find your meaning in life. Challenge the status quo. Dare to be unorthodox. Celebrate non-conformity. 

1.1. Be true to yourself

Practice radical authenticity. Don’t try to be someone you’re not. Do what feels true and honest to you. Defend your integrity. Listen to your calling. 

1.2. Be a rebel

Question everything. Be a free spirit. Rebel against the norm. Embrace your inner misfit. Celebrate your wild and untamable Self. Don’t accept anything unless it makes sense. Ask, “Is this true?”

1.3. Be passionate and sincere

Practice deep sincerity. Be fervent about the pursuit of truth, depth, and understanding. Be open, receptive, and humble. Be genuine and serious about the spiritual path. Be wholehearted (not lukewarm).


2. Fiercely seek truth

See through the veil of deception. Expose falsehood and hypocrisy both within yourself and others compassionately. Illuminate the darkness. Explore what is reality versus illusion. Be discerning and clear-minded. Ask, “How am I/others being dishonest?” 


3. Know and accept yourself

Strive to be self-aware and understand who you are at your core. Explore your strengths and weaknesses. Investigate your body, mind, heart, and soul. Practice inner work. Ask “Who am I?” Love yourself. Be attentive to all of your needs. Become your own best friend. Practice self-compassion and self-acceptance. Trust and honor yourself. Learn to love all the beautiful and ugly parts of yourself unconditionally. 


4. Find balance

Permit yourself to be both human and divine. Practice embodied and down-to-earth spirituality. Integrate spiritual practice with psychological growth and healing. Strive to wake up and grow up. Use logic and intuition. Ground spirituality in daily life. Seek to unify all parts of your nature.


5. Reconnect with your Soul

Dive deep. Go within. Practice inner work. Remove the blockages obscuring your Soul. Listen to the small, still voice inside. Seek integration, balance, and Wholeness. Honor your wild nature and eternal Soul. Proudly embody your True Nature.

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