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Soul Star Chakra

About a foot above the top of your head.

This chakra is like the chalice for your soul light. It is your connection to compassion, unconditional love, higher consciousness, and pure Divine Presence.

Try holding any of these crystals in your hands during meditation to connect with your soul star chakra:



This is a great crystal to use when you’re getting started working with this chakra. Kyanite will help gently cleanse and balance all of your chakras to ensure that your energetic body is in good shape.



This less common crystal is a powerful one for connecting with all of your upper chakras and especially your higher self. Because this stone is rare it tends to be a larger investment. The other more common gemstones listed below will also prove helpful and you may already have some.



This super cleansing stone can help open up your crown and soul star chakra. Try waving a selenite wand around the top of your head around your soul star chakra and crown chakra to cleanse and open them.


Clear Quartz

Clear quartz is queen when it comes to balancing all your chakras, and is especially helpful for your upper chakras.


Lithium Quartz

If you need help calming yourself as you begin your journey with this chakra, this stone has all of the added benefits of clear quartz with the addition of calming energy.

Essential Oils

You can also dilute your single essential oil in your favorite carrier oil. I recommend light coconut oil. Use your essential oil in 1-10% dilution, depending upon your skin sensitivity.


For general use, a diffuser is the best medium for balancing the Soul Star Chakra.


For anointing your Soul Star Chakra apply 1-3 drops of your diluted oil in the palm of each hand; on your forehead and the arch of each foot.


Pure essential oil to try alone or in a blend :

Dropper Bottle


Dropper Bottle


Dropper Bottle


Dropper Bottle


Dropper Bottle



Meditation is a very powerful tool and is important if you want to increase the power of your chakras. You can improve your psychic giftings and you can use crystals to help you meditate. If you want to develop your gifts such as intuition, meditating each and every day is a good idea.

You might want to hold on to a stone that fits your chakra color while you are meditating or wear it as jewelry so that you can boost these powers faster.

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