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What are yoga mudras?


Simply put, yoga mudras are hand positions. Traditionally you hold your fingers and hands in specific positions to connect certain energy flows in your mind-body system.

How do you yoga mudras work?

Based on my 20 years of teaching and practicing yoga, here is my best explanation:

  1. Yoga mudras alter the flow of energy through your acupuncture system. All your acupuncture meridians either begin or end in your hands or feet. When you change the position of your hands and fingers, you literally alter the prana in your body. You can think of this like rewiring the subtle currents.

  2. Your thumbs activate your lung meridian.

  3. Your pointer fingers activate your large intestine meridian.

  4. Your middle fingers activate your circulation sex meridian.

  5. Your ring fingers activate your triple warmer meridian.

  6. Your little fingers activate both your heart and small intestine meridians.

  7. In addition to activating the acupuncture meridians, mudras balance the five elements of fire, air, ether or space, earth and water in your body.

  8. Your thumbs activate fire energy.

  9. Your pointer fingers activate air.

  10. Your middle fingers activate ether or space.

  11. Your ring fingers activate earth energy.

  12. Your little fingers activate water energy.

  13. When you hold your palms up, you call in more prana from the universe.

  14. When you turn your palms down, you allow yourself to focus on circulating your own prana.

  15. Your energy body, called your pranamayakosha in yoga, literally controls your physical body. We’ve all had the experience of feeling so tired you can hardly move or having so much vitality you seem capable of exceeding your physical boundaries. Your pranamayakosha includes your acupuncture meridians, your chakras and your breath. If you have had the pleasure of practicing Eight Minutes to Inner Peace breathing exercises, you will notice how your entire being can change dramatically just through the simple practice of directed breath work. As you change the configuration of your hands and fingers, you redirect the flow of energy through your pranamayakosha and thereby transform your entire mind-body experience.

  16. Because illness occurs as a result of either over energy or under energy in the pranamayakosha as well as the organs in your body, yoga mudras can be powerful tools for healing. Use these simple, free, drug free natural healing methods when you want to bring your own prana into balance.

  17. By bringing your acupuncture meridians and five elements into energetic alignment, you bring your entire mind-body system into balance, thereby energizing your entire being and blessing you with fabulous health. No matter how old or sick you are, you can open yourself to a higher level of prana and heal yourself naturally from the inside out.

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